In this enchanting modern fairy tale directed by Mark Palansky, a young woman named Penelope, played by Christina Ricci, is born with a family curse that gives her the nose of a pig. Determined to break the curse, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, encountering a charming cast of characters along the way, including James McAvoy and Catherine O’Hara. The film explores themes of identity and self-worth with a whimsical touch. While it didn’t receive major awards, it gained a cult following for its unique storytelling and visual style. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Mark Palansky
Actors: Catherine O'Hara, Christina Greatrex, Christina Ricci, James McAvoy, Michael Feast, Nigel Havers, Peter Dinklage, Reese Witherspoon, Richard E. Grant, Simon Woods
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Stone Village Pictures, Summit Entertainment, Type A Films
Worldwide Gross: $21,156,270