In this gripping narrative, a young boy named Joshua embarks on a harrowing journey of survival after being born into an insular religious cult plagued by inbreeding. His life takes a dark turn as he is confined to a cage, subjected to starvation and beatings, and witnesses a murder within the church where he is held captive. The twisted teachings of this cult warp his mind, transforming him into a monstrous figure. As he matures, he begins to act on his vile and violent impulses against those deemed “non-believers,” all while residing in the desolate town of Hancock, New York, where the cult resides. With his face hidden from the world for so long, Joshua becomes a tormented soul with distorted beliefs, prowling the streets in search of the next “sinner” to confront. This story poses a haunting question: What would you do if your faith was desecrated?