Pieces of Talent
In the quaint coastal town of Bright Leaf, North Carolina, “Pieces of Talent” follows the story of Charlotte, a disenchanted actress with aspirations, who works nights as a cocktail waitress to pay her bills. Her fortunes change when a seemingly random event introduces her to David Long, a local filmmaker. A swift friendship blossoms between them, leading to Charlotte securing the lead role in David’s latest film. However, David’s fascination with Charlotte quickly turns into an obsession as he embarks on creating his magnum opus. He meticulously documents each interaction, with the ultimate aim of capturing Charlotte as the climax of his work. David is a contentedly obsessed artist, prepared to go to any lengths to create “true art,” using his charisma and talent to transform something sinister and twisted into something that appears profoundly beautiful and affectionate.
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Director: Joe Stauffer
Actors: Barbara Weetman, David Long, John Marchioni, Jon Stafford, Joy Merrow, Kristi Ray, Shane Callahan, Shaun O'Rourke, Simone Cristicchi, Taylor Kowalski
Country: United States of America
Company: Shutter Blade Media