In this animated adventure, a crop-dusting plane named Dusty dreams of competing in a famous aerial race despite his fear of heights. With the help of a seasoned naval aviator, Dusty sets out to achieve his dreams and prove that he is more than just a farm plane. The film features the voices of stars like Dane Cook and Teri Hatcher. Directed by Klay Hall, this family-friendly movie offers a heartwarming tale of perseverance and friendship. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 24
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Klay Hall
Actors: Anthony Edwards, Brad Garrett, Carlos Alazraqui, Dane Cook, John Cleese, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Sinbad, Teri Hatcher, Val Kilmer
Country: India, United States of America
Company: Disneytoon Studios, Prana Studios, Talecraft Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $240,171,783