In this thrilling crime drama directed by Julian Gilbey, a group of university students becomes embroiled in a high-stakes credit card scam that spirals out of control. As they attempt to pull off a major heist, they find themselves pursued by a ruthless crime boss, leading to a tense and action-packed narrative. The film features notable performances from stars such as Ed Speleers and Will Poulter. While it did not receive any major awards, it offers an engaging storyline with a mix of humor and suspense. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama
Director: Julian Gilbey
Actors: Alfie Allen, Ed Speleers, Emma Catherine Rigby, Emma Rigby, Graham McTavish, Melise, Mem Ferda, Michael Bisping, Sebastian de Souza, Thomas Kretschmann, Will Poulter
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Gateway Films
Worldwide Gross: $973,987