Set during the Vietnam War, this film follows a young soldier, Chris Taylor, played by Charlie Sheen, as he navigates the brutal realities of combat and the moral complexities of war. The narrative delves into the internal conflict within his platoon, led by two sergeants with opposing ideologies, portrayed by Tom Berenger and Willem Dafoe. Directed by Oliver Stone, the movie is renowned for its raw depiction of war and won the Academy Award for Best Picture. It can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 17
Genre: Action, Drama, Oscar Winners, Top250Movies, War
Director: Oliver Stone
Actors: Andrew B. Clark, Basile Achara, Bernardo Manalili, Bob Orwig, Brad Cassini, Charlie Sheen, Chris Castillejo, Chris Pedersen, Clarisa Ortacio, Corey Glover, Corkey Ford, Dale Dye, David Neidorf, Forest Whitaker, Francesco Quinn, H. Gordon Boos, Ivan Kane, J. Adam Glover, James Terry McIlvain, John C. McGinley, Johnny Depp, Keith David, Kevin Dillon, Kevin Eshelman, Li Mai Thao, Li Thi Van, Mark Ebenhoch, Mark Moses, Matthew Westfall, Nick Nicholson, Oliver Stone, Paul Sanchez, Peter Hicks, Reggie Johnson, Richard Edson, Robert 'Rock' Galotti, Romy Sevilla, Ron Barracks, Steve Barredo, Than Rogers, Tom Berenger, Tony Todd, Warren McLean, Willem Dafoe
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Cinema '84, Cinema 86, Hemdale
Worldwide Gross: $138,545,632