“PMS Cop” follows the tale of Mary, a law enforcement officer who, after being filmed assaulting a rapist, is coerced into participating in a sinister drug trial by a malevolent pharmaceutical company. The trial involves a PMS suppressant called Corybantic. Following a devastating incident, Mary experiences a terrifying side effect that grants her extraordinary strength. Empowered by her newfound abilities, she embarks on a path of retribution against anyone who crosses her. The question remains: will Mary resist her destructive impulses, or is she destined to become the prototype for a covert weapons initiative orchestrated by the nefarious corporation?
Genre: Horror
Director: Bryon Blakey
Actors: Cindy Means, Daniel Skinner, David J. Lee, Elaine Jenkins, Emali Kimker, Heather Hall, Kristin Mothersbaugh, Megan DeHart, Mickey Stone, Rachael Edlow
Country: United States of America
Company: Bryon Blakey Pictures