Pokémon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions
In this animated adventure, Ash and his friends find themselves in Crown City, where they encounter the mysterious and powerful Zoroark, a Pokémon capable of creating lifelike illusions. As they unravel the mystery behind Zoroark’s appearance, they must also contend with the legendary Pokémon, Celebi, and a sinister plot that threatens the city. Directed by Kunihiko Yuyama, the film showcases the themes of friendship and courage amidst a backdrop of stunning animation. Notably, the movie features the voice talents of Rica Matsumoto and Ikue Ōtani. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy
Director: Kunihiko Yuyama
Actors: Etsuko Kozakura, Ikue Otani, Inuko Inuyama, Megumi Hayashibara, Megumi Toyoguchi, Rica Matsumoto, Shin-ichiro Miki, Takashi Tsukamoto, Unsho Ishizuka, Yuji Ueda
Country: Japan
Company: East Japan Marketing & Communications Inc., Media Factory, Pikachu Project
Worldwide Gross: $71,143,529