Police Academy: Mission to Moscow
In this comedic installment, a group of misfit police officers is dispatched to Russia to help tackle a notorious crime syndicate. The team, led by the ever-enthusiastic Commandant Lassard, must navigate cultural differences and a series of humorous mishaps to complete their mission. The film features performances by stars such as George Gaynes and Michael Winslow. Directed by Alan Metter, this movie is part of a long-running franchise known for its slapstick humor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Alan Metter
Actors: Charlie Schlatter, Christopher Lee, Claire Forlani, David Graf, G. W. Bailey, George Gaynes, Leslie Easterbrook, Michael Winslow, Richard Israel, Ron Perlman
Country: United States of America
Company: Warner Bros.
Worldwide Gross: $126,247