Police Story: Lockdown
In this action-packed thriller, Jackie Chan stars as a dedicated police officer who finds himself in a tense hostage situation at a nightclub. As the night unfolds, he must navigate a web of personal and professional challenges to save the hostages and uncover the truth behind the crisis. Directed by Sheng Ding, the film showcases Chan’s signature blend of intense action sequences and emotional depth. While it may not have received major awards, it remains a notable entry in Chan’s filmography. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Sheng Ding
Actors: Guli Nazha, Jackie Chan, Jing Tian, Liu Hailong, Liu Peiqi, Liu Ye, Liu Yiwei, Na Wei, Wu Yue, Ye Liu, Yin Tao, Yu Rongguang, Zhou Xiaoou
Company: Beijing Starlit Movie and TV Culture, China Film Group Corporation (CFGC), China Vision Group, Golden Harvest Company
Worldwide Gross: $94,249,025