In this heartwarming comedy, a group of women in a retirement community form an unlikely cheerleading squad, proving that age is just a number when it comes to pursuing dreams. Led by the spirited Martha, played by Diane Keaton, the team faces various challenges and personal hurdles as they prepare for a competition. The film, directed by Zara Hayes, explores themes of friendship, resilience, and the joy of living life to the fullest. With a cast that includes Jacki Weaver and Pam Grier, the movie offers a delightful mix of humor and inspiration. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Zara Hayes
Actors: Alisha Boe, Celia Weston, Charlie Tahan, Diane Keaton, Ginny MacColl, Jacki Weaver, Pam Grier, Patricia French, Phyllis Somerville, Rhea Perlman
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Entertainment One, Mad As Birds, Rose Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $16,418,218