Population Zero
In 2009, a tragic incident occurred in a secluded area of Yellowstone National Park where three young men lost their lives. The killer was never apprehended by the authorities, but he revealed himself. Just hours after the trio was shot, Dwayne Nelson admitted to the killings. However, due to a loophole in the American Constitution, Nelson was released without charges. Filmmaker Julian T. Pinder embarks on a gripping quest to uncover the truth behind this crime that should have captured national attention. How did a confessed killer walk free? In his pursuit of answers, Pinder puts his own safety at risk when he uncovers evidence that could potentially reopen the case years later.
Views: 4
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Adam Levins, Julian T. Pinder
Actors: Ben Stranahan, Birgitte Solem, Duane Murray, Jonathan Potts, Julian Robino, Julian T. Pinder, Matt O'Brien, Rob McGillivray, Rob Stewart
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Carousel Pictures, Tip-Top Productions