In this quirky comedy directed by Seth Henrikson, a small-town businessman, played by Michael Shannon, inadvertently becomes the center of a Bigfoot hoax after a series of misunderstandings. The film features an ensemble cast including Judy Greer, Ron Perlman, and Christina Hendricks, who add depth to the eccentric characters populating the town. As the media frenzy escalates, the townspeople find themselves caught up in the excitement, leading to unexpected consequences. This lighthearted tale explores themes of community and identity with a humorous twist. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Seth Henrikson
Actors: Blake Perlman, Christina Hendricks, Debargo Sanyal, Elena Hurst, Greta Lee, Ian McShane, Judy Greer, Michael Shannon, Michael Torpey, Ron Perlman, Thomas Lennon, Timothy Davis-Reed
Country: United States of America
Company: Big Jack Productions, Storyland Pictures, Wing and a Prayer Pictures