In this darkly comedic horror film, a pregnant woman named Ruth embarks on a killing spree, driven by the voice of her unborn child. The film is both written and directed by Alice Lowe, who also stars in the lead role, showcasing her multifaceted talent. Known for its unique blend of humor and horror, the movie explores themes of grief and autonomy. It was well-received for its originality and Lowe’s performance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Alice Lowe
Actors: Alice Lowe, Dan Renton Skinner, Daniel Renton Skinner, Eileen Davies, Gemma Whelan, Grace Calder, Jo Hartley, Kate Dickie, Kayvan Novak, Leila Hoffman, Marc Bessant, Mike Wozniak, Tom Davis
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Gennaker, Western Edge Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $103,885