Private Peaceful
Set against the backdrop of World War I, this film follows the poignant journey of two brothers, Tommo and Charlie Peaceful, as they navigate the trials of love, family, and the harrowing realities of war. The narrative unfolds through a series of flashbacks, revealing the brothers’ deep bond and the events that lead them to the front lines. Directed by Pat O’Connor, the film features compelling performances by George MacKay and Jack O’Connell. While it may not have garnered major awards, it offers a heartfelt exploration of loyalty and sacrifice. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Pat O'Connor
Actors: Alexandra Roach, Anthony Flanagan, Eline Powell, Frances de la Tour, George MacKay, Jack O'Connell, John Lynch, Maxine Peake, Paul Ready, Richard Griffiths
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Fluidity Films
Worldwide Gross: $132,505