Prom Night
In this suspenseful thriller directed by Nelson McCormick, a high school prom night turns into a terrifying ordeal for a group of teenagers. The story follows Donna Keppel, played by Brittany Snow, as she and her friends are stalked by a deranged killer with a personal vendetta. As the night unfolds, the teens must navigate a series of harrowing events to survive. The film features a cast that includes Scott Porter and Idris Elba, adding depth to the intense narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 11
Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery
Director: Nelson McCormick
Actors: Brittany Snow, Collins Pennie, Dana Davis, Idris Elba, James Ransone, Jessica Stroup, Johnathon Schaech, Kelly Blatz, Ming-Na Wen, Scott Porter
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Newmarket Films, Original Film, Screen Gems
Worldwide Gross: $57,197,876