Pulp Fiction
This iconic film weaves together multiple interconnected stories set in the gritty underworld of Los Angeles, featuring a mix of crime, dark humor, and unexpected twists. The narrative structure is non-linear, creating a unique storytelling experience that has captivated audiences and critics alike. The film stars John Travolta, Uma Thurman, and Samuel L. Jackson, whose performances have become legendary. Directed by Quentin Tarantino, it won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival and received several Academy Award nominations. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 170
Genre: Crime, Drama, Most Rewatchable, Palme d'Or winners, Thriller, Top 100 Popular Movies, Top250Movies
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Actors: Alexis Arquette, Amanda Plummer, Angela Jones, Ani Sava, Brad Blumenthal, Brenda Hillhouse, Bronagh Gallagher, Bruce Willis, Burr Steers, Carl Allen, Chandler Lindauer, Christopher Walken, Cie Allman, Devan Richardson, Don Blakely, Duane Whitaker, Emil Sitka, Eric Clark, Eric Stoltz, Frank Whaley, Gary Shorelle, Glendon Rich, Harvey Keitel, Jerome Patrick Hoban, John Travolta, Joseph Pilato, Julia Sweeney, Karen Maruyama, Kathy Griffin, Laura Lovelace, Lawrence Bender, Linda Kaye, Lorelei Leslie, Lori Pizzo, Maria de Medeiros, Michael Gilden, Paul Calderon, Peter Greene, Phil LaMarr, Philip Ettington, Quentin Tarantino, Rene Beard, Rich Turner, Robert Ruth, Rosanna Arquette, Samuel L. Jackson, Stephen Hibbert, Steve Buscemi, Susan Griffiths, Sy Sher, Tim Roth, Uma Thurman, Venessia Valentino, Ving Rhames
Country: United States of America
Company: A Band Apart, Bluebush Productions, Jersey Films, Miramax
Worldwide Gross: $213,928,762