In this animated short film directed by Kristen Lester, the story follows an enthusiastic ball of yarn named Purl who starts a new job at a fast-paced, male-dominated company. As she struggles to fit in with her human coworkers, Purl faces the challenge of maintaining her identity while trying to be accepted. The film cleverly addresses themes of workplace inclusion and diversity with humor and heart. Notably, it was produced by Pixar Animation Studios as part of their SparkShorts program. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Animation, Comedy, Short
Director: Kristen Lester
Actors: Austin Madison, Bret Parker, Emily Davis, Erik Langley, Jimmy Lillard, Kelsey Mann, Kyle McDaniel, Michael Daley, Michael Frederickson, Victor Navone
Country: United States of America
Company: Pixar Animation Studios