In this surreal and darkly comedic film directed by Hitoshi Matsumoto, a mild-mannered salesman named Takafumi Katayama, played by Nao Ōmori, seeks an escape from his mundane life by joining a mysterious BDSM club. The club’s services, however, come with an unusual twist: the dominatrixes appear at random times and places, turning his life into a series of bizarre and unpredictable encounters. As the story unfolds, the boundaries between fantasy and reality blur, leading to unexpected consequences. The film is known for its unique narrative structure and satirical take on societal norms. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Hitoshi Matsumoto
Actors: Ai Tominaga, Eriko Satô, Gin Maeda, Hairi Katagiri, Mao Daichi, Nao Omori, Naomi Watanabe, Shinobu Terajima, Suzuki Matsuo, YOU
Country: Japan
Company: Phantom Film, Warner Bros., Yoshimoto Kogyo Company
Worldwide Gross: $24,956