Ray & Liz
Set in the stark landscape of 1980s Britain, this film delves into the tumultuous lives of a working-class family, focusing on the titular characters, Ray and Liz. The narrative unfolds through a series of vignettes that explore themes of poverty, neglect, and familial dysfunction, offering a raw and unflinching portrayal of their existence. The film is directed by Richard Billingham, who draws from his own childhood experiences to craft this semi-autobiographical story. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, it has been praised for its authenticity and visual storytelling. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama
Director: Richard Billingham
Actors: Deirdre Kelly, Ella Smith, Jacob Tuton, Joshua Millard-Lloyd, Justin Salinger, Mary Helen Donald, Patrick Romer, Richard Ashton, Sam Gittins, Tony Way
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Jacqui Davies, Severn Screen
Worldwide Gross: $59,919