REC 3 Genesis
In this Spanish horror film directed by Paco Plaza, a wedding celebration takes a terrifying turn when a viral outbreak transforms guests into bloodthirsty creatures. The story unfolds in a unique blend of found footage and traditional cinematic styles, offering a fresh perspective on the franchise’s narrative. Starring Leticia Dolera and Diego Martín, the film explores themes of love and survival amidst chaos. Notably, the movie shifts away from the claustrophobic settings of its predecessors, expanding the scope of the horror. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Paco Plaza
Actors: Àlex Monner, Borja González Santaolalla, David Ramírez, Diego Martín, Emilio Mencheta, Ismael Martínez, Leticia Dolera, Miguel Ángel González, Ramon Agirre, Xavier Ruano
Country: Spain
Company: Filmax, Ono, Televisión Española (TVE)
Worldwide Gross: $11,019,975