Red Dawn
In this action-packed remake directed by Dan Bradley, a group of young Americans bands together to defend their hometown from a surprise military invasion. The ensemble cast includes Chris Hemsworth, Josh Peck, and Josh Hutcherson, who portray the resilient group of teenagers turned guerrilla fighters. The film explores themes of patriotism and survival as the characters navigate the challenges of warfare on their home soil. While it did not receive any major awards, the movie is notable for its modern take on the 1984 original. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 13
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller, War
Director: Dan Bradley
Actors: Adrianne Palicki, Albert Yao, Alyssa Diaz, Amanda Wright, Arnold Agee, Barb Baker, Bernadette Balagtas, Bill Lumbert , Boyuen, Brett Cullen, Brett VanDunk, Brian D. Thibault, Chameria Law, Choua Kue, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Kotcher, Cindy Chu, Connor Cruise, Courtney Parkinson, Dan Lewis, Daryl M. Simpson, Dave Kilgore, David Law, David Rembiesa, David Scott Diaz, Demi Kazanis, Diane M. Leach, Doug Kolbicz, Dwight Sora, Edwin Hodge, Ellen Kimmel, Eric Tuchelske, Ewan Bourne, Fernando Chien, Giles Key, Gowhnou Yang, Ho-Sung Pak, Isabel Lucas, J. B. Blanc, J.J. Rian, Jacqueline Forton, Jacquelyn Evola, Jake Chasse, James Polony, Jason Polly, Jason W. Lee, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, John P. Chittick, Johnathon VanDusen, Johnny Truong, Josh Hutcherson, Josh Peck, Julian Alcaraz, Kelly Dettmer, Kelly Jennings, Kenneth Choi, Kenny Clark, Lawrence W. Leach, Lee Vang, Li Xing, Linda Boston, Lucas Kerr, Mark Rothman, Mark Schlereth, Matt Gerald, Matthew Yang King, Melissa Marra, Michael A. Knight, Michael Babbish, Michael Beach, Mike Ancrile, Misty Mills, Nicholas Yu, Noah Smith, P.J. Edwards, Ralph A. Recchia , Ralph H. Meyer, Richard 'Rick' Bobier, Robert Herrick, Robert Laenen, Ron Causey , Ron Yuan, Rusty Mewha, Sam Looc, Samuel Meadows, Simon Rhee, Spencer Strong Smith, Stephen Oyoung, Steve Lenz, Steven Chan, Steven Hauptman, Tiffany Osborne, Tiffany Stone, Vincent Rogo Angelini, Vong Lee, Will Clarke, Will Yun Lee, Zachary Schafer
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Contrafilm, FilmDistrict, FilmNation Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $50,950,296