Red Road
In this gripping drama directed by Andrea Arnold, the story follows Jackie, a CCTV operator in Glasgow, who becomes fixated on a man from her past. As she monitors the city’s streets, her life takes a turn when she spots him on her screens, leading her to confront unresolved issues. The film stars Kate Dickie and Tony Curran, delivering powerful performances that drive the intense narrative. Notably, the film was nominated for the prestigious Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Andrea Arnold
Actors: Andrew Armour, Carolyn Calder, Jessica Angus, John Comerford, Kate Dickie, Martin Compston, Martin McCardie, Natalie Press, Paul Higgins, Tony Curran
Country: Denmark, United Kingdom
Company: Advanced Party Scheme, BBC Film, BBC Films, Glasgow Film Office
Worldwide Gross: $1,128,345