Red Trees
Acclaimed filmmaker Marina Willer, known for “Cartas da Mãe,” crafts a visually striking essay that follows her father’s family’s escape as one of the few Jewish families to endure the Nazi occupation of Prague during World War II. Captured by Oscar-nominated cinematographer César Charlone (“City of God”), the film journeys from the ravaged landscapes of Eastern Europe to the vibrant settings of South America. The story is narrated by Tim Pigott-Smith (“Quantum of Solace”) through the perspective of Willer’s father, Alfred, who survived the horrors of bureaucracy, deportations, and suicides to eventually establish a new life as an architect in Brazil. In light of today’s refugee crisis, “RED TREES” offers a poignant reflection on a family overcoming the ravages of war to find solace across the ocean.
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Genre: Documentary
Director: Marina Willer
Actors: Tim Pigott-Smith
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Cohen Media Group
Worldwide Gross: $13,666