In this provocative documentary, comedian and political commentator Bill Maher embarks on a global journey to explore the world of religion and its impact on society. Directed by Larry Charles, known for his work on “Borat,” the film combines humor and critical inquiry as Maher interviews believers from various faiths, challenging their beliefs and exploring the contradictions within religious doctrines. The film does not shy away from controversial topics, aiming to spark conversation and reflection on the role of religion in modern life. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy, Documentary, War
Director: Larry Charles
Actors: Andrew Newberg, Benjamin Creme, Bill Maher, Francis Collins, George Coyne, Jeremiah Cummings, Jonathan Boulden, Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda, Steve Burg, Tal Bachman
Country: United States of America
Company: Thousand Words
Worldwide Gross: $13,639,115