Resident Evil: Damnation
In this animated action-horror film, Leon S. Kennedy, a special agent, is dispatched to a war-torn Eastern European country to investigate the use of bio-organic weapons. As he delves deeper, he uncovers a sinister conspiracy involving the local government and a rebel faction. The film, directed by Makoto Kamiya, is part of the Resident Evil franchise and features intense action sequences and a gripping storyline. Fans of the series will appreciate the continuation of the narrative and the return of familiar characters. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Action, Animation, Horror
Director: Makoto Kamiya
Actors: Courtenay Taylor, Dave Wittenberg, David Earnest, Matthew Mercer, Michael McConnohie, Patrick Seitz, Robin Sachs, Salli Saffioti, Val Tasso, Wendee Lee
Country: Japan
Company: Capcom Company, Resident Evil CG2 Film Partners, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Pictures Releasing
Worldwide Gross: $2,325,035