Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
In this 2011 film directed by Rupert Wyatt, a groundbreaking scientific experiment leads to the development of heightened intelligence in apes, setting the stage for an epic struggle between humans and their simian counterparts. The story follows a scientist, played by James Franco, whose work inadvertently triggers a series of events that challenge the balance of power on Earth. The film features remarkable motion capture performances, particularly by Andy Serkis, who brings the character of Caesar, the intelligent ape, to life. While it did not win major awards, the movie was praised for its visual effects and storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 68
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Rupert Wyatt
Actors: Andy Serkis, Brian Cox, Christopher Gordon, David Hewlett, David Oyelowo, Freida Pinto, James Franco, Jamie Harris, John Lithgow, Karin Konoval, Terry Notary, Tom Felton, Tyler Labine
Country: Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Chernin Entertainment, Dune Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox
Worldwide Gross: $481,800,873