Ruben Guthrie
In this 2015 film, the story follows a successful advertising executive who embarks on a journey of self-discovery and sobriety after a life-altering incident. As he navigates the challenges of staying sober, he faces pressure from friends and family who are skeptical of his new lifestyle. The film stars Patrick Brammall in the lead role, with a supporting cast that includes Alex Dimitriades and Abbey Lee. Directed by Brendan Cowell, the movie is an adaptation of his own stage play, offering a raw and humorous look at addiction and personal growth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Brendan Cowell
Actors: Abbey Lee, Alex Dimitriades, Brenton Thwaites, Harriet Dyer, Jack Thompson, Jeremy Sims, Kasia Stelmach, Patrick Brammall, Robyn Nevin
Country: Australia
Company: Quattro Risk Services
Worldwide Gross: $227,691