Sand Dollar Cove
In this charming romantic drama, a real estate development project brings a young woman to a quaint coastal town where she meets a local who is determined to preserve the town’s beloved pier. As they work together, they discover more than just a shared goal, leading to unexpected personal connections. The film stars Chad Michael Murray and Aly Michalka, who bring warmth and chemistry to their roles. Directed by Fred Gerber, the movie captures the essence of small-town charm and the importance of community. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Fred Gerber
Actors: Aly Michalka, Chad Michael Murray, Clare Bowen, Glynnis O'Connor, Lily Jane, Mark Famiglietti, Mark Hattan, Michelle Liu Coughlin, Saundra Santiago, Tobias Truvillion
Country: United States of America
Company: Synthetic Cinema International