Selfie from Hell
In this chilling horror film directed by Erdal Ceylan, a young woman named Julia visits her cousin Hannah, only to fall mysteriously ill after taking a selfie. As Hannah delves into the mystery, she uncovers a dark web of supernatural forces linked to the seemingly innocuous act of taking selfies. The film stars Alyson Walker and Tony Giroux, who deliver compelling performances that heighten the suspense. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, the movie’s unique premise and eerie atmosphere have intrigued horror enthusiasts. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Erdal Ceylan
Actors: Alyson Walker, Ian Butcher, Matthew Graham, Meelah Adams, Tony Giroux
Company: IndustryWorks Studios, Southpaw Productions
Worldwide Gross: $136,452