Baby Faced Beauty
“Baby Faced Beauty” is a South Korean TV drama from 2011, featuring Jang Na-ra, Choi Daniel, Ryu Jin, and Kim Min-seo. Broadcast on KBS2, it ran from May 2 to July 5, 2011, with episodes airing on Mondays and Tuesdays at 9:55 PM, totaling 20 episodes. The series follows a 34-year-old aspiring fashion designer who pretends to be younger to secure a job at a fashion company.
This romantic comedy began with a modest viewership of about 6 percent, but its popularity grew, eventually exceeding 15 percent. Initially planned for 18 episodes, the series was extended by two episodes due to its success. It maintained the top spot in its primetime slot for five weeks in a row.
Starring: Ahn Seo-hyun, Choi Daniel, Clara Lee, Daniel Choi, Jang Na-ra, Kim Hye-ok, Kim Kyu-chul, Kim Min-Seo, Na Young-hee, Oh Yeon-seo, Ryu Jin