Below Deck Mediterranean
The narrative centers on the lives and duties of the crew aboard a 150-foot luxury yacht during a charter season in the Mediterranean. Tasked with delivering exceptional service to demanding and affluent guests, the crew navigates a host of challenges, including romantic entanglements and the surprising overstepping of boundaries by some team members with the guests.
Views: 57
Genre: Reality
Studio: 51 Minds Entertainment
Creators: Doug Henning, Mark Cronin, Rebecca Taylor Henning
TV Status: Returning Series
1hRelease: 2016
IMDb: 7.6
TMDb: 7.6
Networks: Bravo, BravoPeacock
Starring: Aesha Scott, Bri Muller, Dave White, Elena Dubaich, Gael Cameron, Iain Maclean, Jason Gaskell, Joe Bradley, Johnathan Shillingford, Kyle Viljoen, Mzi "Zee" Dempers, Natalya Scudder, Natasha Webb, Nathan Gallagher, Raygan Tyler, Sandy Yawn, Storm Smith