“Coupling” is a British sitcom crafted by Steven Moffat, which was broadcast on BBC2 from May 2000 until June 2004. Created by Hartswood Films for the BBC, the series revolves around the romantic and sexual escapades and blunders of a group of six friends in their thirties. The narrative often showcases the three women and three men discussing the same incidents, but from completely different perspectives.
The show drew inspiration from Moffat’s own relationship with producer Sue Vertue, so much so that two characters were named after them. “Coupling” fits into the “group-genre” category, a type of ensemble show that was quite popular at the time. Critics often likened it to American sitcoms like “Friends” and “Seinfeld.”
The series received mostly positive reviews and was awarded “Best TV Comedy” at the 2003 British Comedy Awards. Although it initially premiered to modest viewership, its popularity grew, and by the end of its third season, it had garnered respectable ratings in the UK. In late 2002, the series began airing on PBS stations and BBC America in the United States, where it quickly developed a loyal following. The show is broadcast internationally, and brief adaptations were made in the United States in 2003 and Greece in 2007.
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Director: Steven Moffat
Studio: BBC Studios, Hartswood Films
Creators: Martin Dennis, Steven Moffat
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2000
IMDb: 8.5
TMDb: 8.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 97%
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC Two
Starring: Ben Miles, Gina Bellman, Jack Davenport, Kate Isitt, Richard Mylan, Sarah Alexander