Dong Yi
“Dong Yi” is a South Korean historical TV drama from 2010, featuring actors Han Hyo-joo, Ji Jin-hee, Lee So-yeon, and Bae Soo-bin. The series explores the romantic relationship between King Sukjong and Choi Suk-bin. It was broadcast on MBC from March 22 to October 12, 2010, airing on Mondays and Tuesdays at 9:55 PM, spanning a total of 60 episodes. The show achieved strong viewership ratings, ranging from the mid-20% to 30%, and Han Hyo-joo received acting awards for her role.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Kim Yi-young
Creators: Byoung-hoon Lee, David Bannon, Sang-hyub Kim, Yi Young Kim
Starring: Bae Soo-bin, Han Hyo-joo, Jeong Dong-hwan, Ji Jin-hee, Jung Dong-Hwan, Jung Jin-young, Kim Dong-yoon, Kim You-jung, Lee Kwang-Soo, Lee So-yeon, Park Ha-seon