Family Guy
This animated series, known for its dark humor and lack of political correctness, follows the chaotic escapades of the Griffin family. The clumsy Peter and his patient wife Lois navigate life with their three children: Stewie, a genius yet malevolent infant with plans to eliminate his mother and dominate the globe; Meg, the eldest and least popular girl in her community; and Chris, the not-so-bright middle child with a love for cinema. Completing the family is Brian, a talking dog who serves as more than just a pet. He manages to keep Stewie’s schemes in check while enjoying Martinis and dealing with his own personal dilemmas.
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Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family, Top 100 Popular Series TVs
Director: Seth MacFarlane
Studio: 20th Century Fox Television, 20th Television, 20th Television Animation, Fox Television Animation, Fuzzy Door Productions
Creators: David Zuckerman, Seth MacFarlane
TV Status: Returning Series
22minRelease: 1999
IMDb: 8.1
TMDb: 7.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 64%
Country: United States of America
Networks: Adult Swim, FOX, FOXDisney+ Hotstar
Starring: Alex Borstein, Arif Zahir, Mike Henry, Mila Kunis, Patrick Warburton, Seth Green, Seth MacFarlane