“Freakazoid!” is an American animated TV show crafted by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini for The WB’s Kids’ WB segment. The series follows the escapades of its main character, Freakazoid, a hyperactive and eccentric superhero who faces off against a variety of super villains. Additionally, the show includes short segments featuring other peculiar superheroes. Produced by Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation, this cartoon marks the third animated series born from the collaboration between Steven Spielberg and Warner Bros. Animation during the animation boom of the late ’80s and early ’90s. With “Tiny Toon Adventures” and “Animaniacs” already on air, speculation about “Freakazoid!” joining the Hub Network is circulating online.
Bruce Timm, a key figure in the DC animated universe, initially envisioned the series as a traditional superhero action-adventure with comedic elements. However, executive producer Steven Spielberg requested that series producer and writer Tom Ruegger, along with the Animaniacs team, transform “Freakazoid!” into an outright comedy. The show shares similarities with other Ruegger-led projects like “Animaniacs,” featuring a distinctive humor style that includes slapstick, breaking the fourth wall, parody, surreal comedy, and pop culture references.
Views: 2
Director: Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, Steven Spielberg
Studio: Amblin Entertainment, Amblin Television, Warner Bros. Animation, Warner Bros. Television
Creators: Tom Ruegger
TV Status: Ended
22minRelease: 1995
IMDb: 7.5
TMDb: 7.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Country: United States of America
Networks: The WB
Starring: David Kaufman, Ed Asner, Edward Asner, Joe Leahy, Jonathan Harris, Paul Rugg