Gimme Gimme Gimme
Linda La Hughes, portrayed by Kathy Burke, lives in an apartment with Tom Farrell, played by James Dreyfus. Linda is a plus-sized woman with a brash personality and lacks conventional attractiveness. Despite this, she believes she is stunning and irresistible. She is also highly interested in men and has a strong desire for romantic encounters. Tom, on the other hand, is an actor trying to make it in the industry. Although he has representation, landing roles proves challenging. He doesn’t have much fondness for Linda, possibly due to their living arrangement. Linda is somewhat uneasy about Tom’s homosexuality, likely because she struggles with the idea of living with a man who isn’t attracted to her.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy
Director: Jonathan Harvey
Creators: Jonathan Harvey, Liddy Oldroyd, Tristram Shapeero
TV Status: Ended
25minRelease: 1999
IMDb: 7.5
TMDb: 7.0
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC TwoBBC One
Starring: Beth Goddard, Brian Bovell, James Dreyfus, Kathy Burke, Rosalind Knight