Phoenix Nights
Peter Kay’s Phoenix Nights is a British comedy series centered around The Phoenix Club, a social club for working men located in Farnworth, Greater Manchester. The sitcom was penned by Neil Fitzmaurice, Peter Kay, and Dave Spikey, and produced by Goodnight Vienna Productions and Ovation Entertainments. It aired on Channel 4 in the UK, with all music composed by Toni Baker and Peter Kay, and additional contributions from Paddy McGuinness. The show consists of two seasons, originally broadcast in 2001 and 2002.
Phoenix Nights is a continuation of the mockumentary series That Peter Kay Thing and later inspired the spin-off Max and Paddy’s Road to Nowhere. It received the People’s Choice Award at the 2002 British Comedy Awards and was nominated for several other accolades. Peter Kay not only stars in multiple roles but also directed the second season. In a 2006 interview on BBC Radio 1, Kay mentioned that a third season had been written, though its production timeline was uncertain. On May 8, 2007, Kay reiterated plans for another season.
However, in late 2009, Dave Spikey stated in interviews with The Sentinel and the Croydon Guardian that neither he nor co-writer Neil Fitzmaurice were informed of any intentions to revive the series.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Dave Spikey, Peter Kay
Studio: Goodnight Vienna Productions, Ovation Entertainment Limited
Creators: Jonny Campbell, Neil Fitzmaurice, Peter Kay
TV Status: Ended
25minRelease: 2001
IMDb: 8.6
TMDb: 7.7
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: Channel 4
Starring: Archie Kelly, Daniel Kitson, Dave Spikey, Janice Connolly, Justin Moorhouse, Neil Fitzmaurice, Paddy McGuinness, Peter Kay, Steve Edge, Toby Foster