Seinfeld is a classic American sitcom that was broadcast on NBC from July 5, 1989, until May 14, 1998, spanning nine seasons and continuing to be shown in syndication. The series was the brainchild of Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld, with Seinfeld playing a fictionalized version of himself. The narrative is primarily situated in an apartment building on Manhattan’s Upper West Side in New York City, revolving around Jerry’s circle of friends and acquaintances. Key characters include his closest friend George Costanza, his ex-girlfriend Elaine Benes, and his quirky neighbor Cosmo Kramer, who lives across the hall.
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Director: Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David
Studio: Castle Rock Entertainment, Fred Barron Productions, Giggling Goose Productions, West-Shapiro, West/Shapiro Productions
Creators: Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David
TV Status: Ended
Release: 1989
IMDb: 8.9
TMDb: 8.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 89%
Country: United States of America
Networks: NBC
Starring: Jason Alexander, Jerry Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Michael Richards