South Beach
Set against the backdrop of a growing feud between Miami’s two leading record companies, “South Beach” follows the drama between Donovan Lear Entertainment and its rival, ADLV Music Group. Donovan Lear Entertainment is home to Carmen Suarez, a stunning pop sensation dominating the charts in both English and Spanish. As Carmen gears up for a global tour to promote her latest chart-topping single, her life takes a complicated turn when she becomes romantically involved with Michael Bell, a rising DJ from ADLV Music Group. This label is run by Antigone de la Vega, Donovan Lear’s former lover. Antigone’s world is thrown into chaos when her fiancĂ©, Gus Garcia, the popular Mayor of Miami Beach, is mysteriously murdered. At the same time, Isaac Santero, the most feared figure in Miami’s criminal underworld, is orchestrating a daring plan that threatens to upend the very fabric of South Beach.
Starring: Richie Nuzzolese