“Spaced” serves as a counterpoint to “Friends,” offering a more grounded and authentic portrayal of the lives of ordinary people in their twenties. The story follows Daisy and Tim, two young adults with ambitious aspirations, navigating the complexities of life. They come together in their quest for affordable housing, pretending to be a couple to secure a place to live. Their new home includes a quirky landlady and an eccentric artist. The series delves into the everyday experiences of living in London.
Views: 4
Director: Edgar Wright, Jessica Hynes, Simon Pegg
Creators: Edgar Wright, Jessica Hynes, Simon Pegg
TV Status: Ended
27minRelease: 1999
IMDb: 8.5
TMDb: 7.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: Channel 4
Starring: Jessica Hynes, Julia Deakin, Mark Heap, Nick Frost, Simon Pegg