The Mallorca Files
Set against the lively backdrop of the titular Spanish island, The Mallorca Files focuses on the dynamic between a British detective and a German detective, each with their own distinct style of law enforcement. Despite—or possibly due to—their contrasting methods, the detectives create a perfectly balanced team as they tackle a new mystery on the island every week.
Views: 1
Director: Dan Sefton
Studio: BBC Studios, Britbox, Clerkenwell Films, Cosmopolitan Pictures, France Télévisions, ZDF, ZDFneo
Creators: Dan Sefton
TV Status: Returning Series
45minRelease: 2019
IMDb: 6.8
TMDb: 6.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 83%
Networks: BBC One, BBC OnePrime Video
Starring: Alex Hafner, Elen Rhys, Julian Looman, María Fernández Ache, Tábata Cerezo