The Secret Saturdays
“The Secret Saturdays” is an American animated series crafted by Canadian cartoonist Jay Stephens for Cartoon Network, premiering in the U.S. on October 3, 2008. The narrative centers on the Saturdays, a family dedicated to cryptozoology, who strive to conceal the existence of cryptids to safeguard both humanity and these mysterious creatures. Their global escapades involve studying cryptids and confronting nefarious foes, such as the power-hungry V.V. Argost. The show draws inspiration from the ’60s Hanna-Barbera action series, infused with Stephens’ fascination with cryptozoology. The series concluded on January 30, 2010, but continues to be broadcast in reruns on Boomerang since December 5, 2011. Additionally, the Saturdays are slated to appear in “Ben 10: Omniverse.”
Views: 3
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Director: Jay Stephens
Studio: PorchLight Entertainment
Creators: Brandon Sawyer, Fred Schaefer, Jay Stephens
TV Status: Ended
22minRelease: 2008
IMDb: 7
TMDb: 6.8
Country: United States of America
Networks: Cartoon Network
Starring: Corey Burton, Diedrich Bader, Fred Tatasciore, Joanna Page, Nicole Sullivan, Phil Morris, Sam Lerner, Will Friedle