Wonderland, a brief and contentious drama series from 2000, was directed by Peter Berg and aired on ABC. The show explored the everyday experiences within a psychiatric hospital, offering viewpoints from both the medical staff and the patients. Initially, only two episodes were broadcast on ABC in 2000. However, DirecTV later aired all eight episodes on The 101 Network beginning January 14, 2009. The series sparked debate due to its provocative take on mental health issues and their management. In 2013, TV Guide recognized Wonderland as one of the 60 shows that were “Cancelled Too Soon.”
TV Status: Canceled
50minRelease: 2000
IMDb: 7.4
TMDb: 10.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
Country: United States of America
Networks: ABC, ABCThe 101
Starring: Billy Burke, David Brown, Joelle Carter, Martin Donovan, Michael Jai White, Michelle Forbes, Patricia Clarkson, Sharon Wilkins, Ted Levine