Set during the turbulent warlord era of early 20th-century China, this film follows the journey of a ruthless warlord, played by Andy Lau, who seeks redemption after a personal tragedy. As he takes refuge in a Shaolin temple, he learns the values of peace and humility from the monks, including a character portrayed by Jackie Chan. Directed by Benny Chan, the movie combines martial arts action with a poignant narrative of transformation and forgiveness. Although it did not receive major awards, it features impressive action sequences and a strong cast. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Benny Chan
Actors: Andy Lau, Andy Lau Tak-Wah, Bai Bing, Fan Bingbing, Hai Yu, Jackie Chan, Jing Wu, Michelle Bai, Nicholas Tse, Wu Jing, Xing Yu, Xinxin Xiong, Xiong Xinxin, Yu Hai, Yu Shaoqun
Company: China Film Group Corporation (CFGC), Emperor Classic Films, Huayi Brothers Media
Worldwide Gross: $42,982,973