Shed of the Dead
In this 2019 horror-comedy, the story follows Trevor, an unemployed man who spends his days in his garden shed, painting figurines and avoiding his wife. His mundane life takes a turn when a zombie apocalypse breaks out, forcing him to confront the chaos outside. The film features performances by Spencer Brown and Ewen MacIntosh, known for their comedic roles. Directed by Drew Cullingham, the movie blends humor with horror elements, creating a unique take on the zombie genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Drew Cullingham
Actors: Bill Moseley, Brian Blessed, Emily Booth, Ewen MacIntosh, Frank Jakeman, James Fisher, Kane Hodder, Lauren Socha, Michael Berryman, Spencer Brown
Country: United Kingdom
Company: 7DM Studios, Oceanstorm Films, Williams Bulldog Management
Worldwide Gross: $38,901