Shinjuku Incident
In this gripping crime drama, Jackie Chan stars as a Chinese immigrant who finds himself entangled in the dangerous underworld of Tokyo’s Shinjuku district. As he navigates the treacherous landscape of gang rivalries and corruption, he is forced to confront his own moral boundaries. Directed by Derek Tung-Sing Yee, the film offers a gritty portrayal of survival and identity in a foreign land. While it did not receive any major awards, it is notable for showcasing Chan in a rare dramatic role, diverging from his usual action-comedy persona. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Derek Tung-Sing Yee
Actors: Chin Ka-Lok, Daniel Wu, Fan Bingbing, Jack Kao, Jackie Chan, Masaya Kato, Naoto Takenaka, Tōru Minegishi, Xu Jinglei, Yasuaki Kurata
Country: Hong Kong
Company: Emperor Dragon Movies
Worldwide Gross: $5,461,200