Show Dogs
In this family-friendly comedy, a tough Rottweiler police dog named Max, voiced by Ludacris, teams up with a human FBI agent, played by Will Arnett, to thwart a plot at a prestigious dog show. The unlikely duo must go undercover in the world of elite dog competitions to solve the case. Directed by Raja Gosnell, known for his work on family films, the movie combines humor and action in a lighthearted adventure. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it features a notable voice cast including Stanley Tucci and Natasha Lyonne. For those interested, the film is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Family
Director: Raja Gosnell
Actors: Andy Beckwith, Gabriel Iglesias, Jordin Sparks, Ludacris, Natasha Lyonne, Oliver Tompsett, Omar Chaparro, Shaquille O'Neal, Stanley Tucci, Will Arnett
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Neddy Dean Productions, Open Road Films (II), Riverstone Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $39,156,854