Side Effects
In this psychological thriller directed by Steven Soderbergh, the story revolves around a young woman whose life spirals out of control after being prescribed a new medication by her psychiatrist. The film features a stellar cast, including Rooney Mara, Jude Law, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Channing Tatum, who deliver compelling performances that keep the audience on edge. The narrative explores themes of mental health, trust, and the pharmaceutical industry, weaving a complex web of intrigue and suspense. While the film did not receive major awards, it was praised for its engaging plot and strong direction. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Steven Soderbergh
Actors: Ann Dowd, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Channing Tatum, David Costabile, Jude Law, Mamie Gummer, Polly Draper, Rooney Mara, Scott Shepherd, Vinessa Shaw
Country: United States of America
Company: Di Bonaventura Pictures, Endgame Entertainment, FilmNation Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $63,414,135