Simon Birch
In this heartfelt drama, the story follows a young boy named Simon, who, despite his small stature and physical challenges, believes he is destined for greatness. Set in a small town, the film explores themes of friendship, faith, and destiny as Simon forms a deep bond with his best friend, Joe. The narrative is driven by Simon’s unwavering belief in his purpose, which ultimately leads to a series of life-changing events. The film features notable performances by Ian Michael Smith and Joseph Mazzello, with Ashley Judd and Oliver Platt in supporting roles. While it did not receive any major awards, it remains a touching tale of hope and courage. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mark Steven Johnson
Actors: Ashley Judd, Beatrice Winde, Cecilley Carroll, Dana Ivey, David Strathairn, Ian Michael Smith, Jan Hooks, Jim Carrey, Joseph Mazzello, Oliver Platt
Country: United States of America
Company: Caravan Pictures, Hollywood Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $18,253,415